The Taca local is a taxi driver’s trade organization in many Latin American countries. The word “Taca” means “slowly” in Latin American Spanish. As such, drivers in the Taca local are expected to drive slowly and cautiously, as if they were driving in a narrow, winding mountain pass.
The Taca local is not a cab company, and it is not affiliated with the local cab company. Taca cabs are independent drivers who belong to the Taca local. The Tacan local is a system of taxi drivers who organize themselves into a group to gain bargaining power and better working conditions.
It is one of the most popular taxi systems in Latin America. Drivers who belong to the Taca local are also called “Tacos”.
The meaning of the word Taca Celic is something like “taco car”.
The word “Celic” means “heavy,” as in “a heavy truck”.
So the meaning of the word Taca Celic is “Taco Car That’s Loaded With Flavor.”
In the United States, people often ask about the differences between a taxi cab and a Taca celic (which is also called a taco cab). However, the two terms have almost the same meaning.
What Does a Taca Celic Look Like?
The Taca celic is a pickup truck that has a small compartment in the back for passengers. There are also a few seats in the cab for more passengers. The cab is large enough to accommodate at least four passengers, but it is not a large vehicle.
The pickup truck is always white or light blue. The cab is always white.
The Tacan owns no more than a few dozen pick-up trucks. Cab colors are not standardized, so each Tacan pick-up truck might have a different colored cab.
What Does a Taca Celic Do?
Taca cabs serve neighborhoods and towns that do not have a large number of customers or a large number of taxi companies. Tacos do not take passengers to airports or bus stations or to hotels. Tacos only pick up passengers at residences and sometimes at businesses.
While the passengers ride in the back of the pickup, the driver sits upfront.
This allows the driver to keep an eye on the passengers and to talk to them while he drives. It also means that the driver cannot be distracted by looking at other cars while he is driving.
Is a Taca Celic taxi in Mexico?
No, the Tacan is a taxi organization, not a taxi company. Taca celics are only found in Latin America.
Taca cabs are not found in North America, Europe, Africa, or Asia. There is no evidence to suggest that the Taca cab system was brought to these regions. The Tacan local is a Latin American phenomenon.
When to use a Taca Celic
You might want to use a Taca celic if you are going to a small town where there are no taxi companies to service the community. Also, you might want to use a Taca celic if you live in a small town with a population of fewer than 10,000 people.
TACA CELIC Quality Control
There are several ways that a truck can become a Taca local. First, a truck might have a former Taca cab driver as its owner. Second, a truck might have been damaged in an accident and repaired by a friend of the driver. Third, a truck might be used as a company truck, with the logo of a local company on the roof.
A Taca celic driver will always ask to see a government-issued license before he picks up a fare.
- Taca cabs are inexpensive. The government subsidizes the cost of operating a Taca cab, so the cabs are inexpensive to operate.
- A Taca cab does not require a taxi permit. Therefore, Taca cabs can drive on any street, including streets where taxis are not allowed.
- Taca cabs are allowed to drive at any time of day or night.
- Taca cabs are allowed to pick up passengers anywhere, even in restricted areas.
- Taca cabs are allowed to drive on any road, including highways.
- Because of the low cost of operation, a Taca cab is often the only transportation option for people living in poverty.
- Because of the low cost of operation, a Taca cab can drive around the clock, including on nights and weekends.
- A Taca cab driver might have a poor driving record. To drive a Taca cab, a driver must be able to drive slowly and carefully. Therefore, a driver with a poor driving record might not be able to drive a Taca cab safely.
- A Taca cab driver might have a poor customer service record.
- A Taca cab driver might have a poor vehicle maintenance record.
- A Taca cab driver might have a poor insurance record.
- A Taca cab driver might have a poor fare collection record.
- A Taca cab driver might have a poor vehicle safety record.
- A Taca cab driver might have a poor customer comfort record.
- Taca cabs are inexpensive. The government subsidizes the cost of operating a Taca cab, so the cabs are inexpensive to operate.
- A Taca cab does not require a taxi permit. Therefore, Taca cabs can drive on any street, including streets where taxis are not allowed.
- Taca cabs are allowed to drive at any time of day or night.
- Taca cabs are allowed to pick up passengers anywhere, even in restricted areas.
- Taca cabs are allowed to drive on any road, including highways.
- Because of the low cost of operation, a Taca cab is often the only transportation option for people living in poverty.
- Because of the low cost of operation, a Taca cab can drive around the clock, including nights and weekends.
There are several ways that a truck can become a Taca celic. First, a truck might have a former Taca cab driver as its owner. Second, a truck might have been damaged in an accident and repaired by a friend of the driver. Third, a truck might be used as a company truck, with the logo of a local company on the roof.
A Taca celic driver will always ask to see a government-issued license before he picks up a fare.
A Taca celic driver has many rights that a taxi driver does not have. A Taca celic driver cannot be denied service or charged more than the taxi rate.
A Taca celic driver has the right to refuse a fare. A Taca celic driver does not have to take a fare that would put the driver in danger, would excessively damage the vehicle, or would excessively strain the driver’s finances.
A Taca celic driver has the right to decline a tip from a passenger. If a passenger tries to offer a tip, the driver can politely refuse it.
When a collection driver takes a fare, the fare is split between the driver and the local. The local is responsible for collecting and depositing the money.
The local might be a person who works out of a home. The local might work out of a garage or an office. The local might have a business address, or they might have a P.O. box.
A Taca celic driver might have a poor vehicle maintenance record. There is no way to tell if a driver has a poor vehicle maintenance record until the driver starts driving for the Taca local. The Taca local does not conduct inspections for vehicle maintenance.
The Taca local does not provide any mechanical support for the good drivers. it driver must find a mechanic, buy parts, and perform any repairs necessary to keep their vehicle in good working order.
A Taca celic driver might have a poor insurance record. There is no way to tell if a driver has a poor insurance record until the driver starts driving for the Taca local. The Taca local does not conduct inspections for insurance records. The Taca local does not provide any mechanical support for the Taca celic drivers. A Taca celic driver must buy the insurance and collect insurance payments.