Home » Important Considerations To Make When Selecting Your Student Housing In Malta

Important Considerations To Make When Selecting Your Student Housing In Malta


In the realm of education, Malta has a lot to offer, including undergraduate courses taught in English that are free for EU members to take, as well as an excellent reputation in the fields of health and economics. We have simplified the process of finding a place to stay on this island in the Mediterranean if you want to further your study there. Whether it be student housing, stays with host families, or hotel stays, here are some of our best recommendations.


The Essence Of It

Learn some of the fundamentals of the Maltese language and culture before you fully commit to your new student life in Malta. If you want to remain in Malta for more than three months, you will need a visa, even though Malta is a member of the Schengen Area. This will not be an issue for you if you decide to enrol in a brief course; but, if you want to stay for a longer period, you will need a residency document and, simultaneously, lengthier leases while looking for housing. After you have familiarised yourself with the criteria for the semester, selecting your student housing will be much simpler.

Regardless of the type of lodging you book, you are expected to comply with the following standard operating procedures:

  • It is your responsibility to fully comprehend and peruse the rules that govern your lodging.
  • Take care not to annoy any of the other people living in the building, whether they are students or not.
  • Ensure that the student rooms in Malta are kept neat and clean at all times.
  • Avoid making unnecessarily large uses of energy and water. Because Malta’s water supply is created through the process of reverse osmosis, the country’s residents need to be very careful not to keep their faucets running unnecessarily. This is because the process requires a significant amount of power.
  • When the lights, fans, heaters, and air conditioners are not being utilised, make sure to turn them off.
  • If you are experiencing issues, you are required to contact the housing coordinator at your university.


Alternatives For Students Seeking Housing:


  1. Host Families

The most genuine way to integrate into a new culture is to do so by becoming a member of a host family and participating in everyday activities associated with that culture. However, as a guest, you are expected to respect and engage with your host family as well as participate in their activities. Communication that is both precise and concise is frequently cited as the most important factor in a pleasant stay. Because the rules might be difficult to anticipate, it is important to pay attention to any demands made by your host family upon your arrival and set down a list of their expectations on paper. It is highly recommended that you stick to these basic guidelines:

  • You are expected to take into account the customs and rituals of your host family and refrain from interfering with their daily schedule. Most families have jobs, and they won’t like having their evenings interrupted!
  • You are expected to adhere to all curfews, particularly if you are enrolled in a junior course.
  • Ensure that your Maltese hosts are aware of your daily plans and inquire about obtaining permission to invite visitors before doing so.
  • If anyone in your family or your programme has special dietary needs, make sure to inform them in advance (or preferences).
  • Notify your hosts in advance if you plan on going out to dine or staying out late if you choose to do so.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, you are expected to inquire about permission before using any of the electrical equipment or kitchenware. This also applies to sneaking food without the owner’s knowledge or consent!
  • When you use the bathroom, do it with consideration for other people, and keep your bedroom clean.


  1. Hotels

Hotels are a wonderful alternative for students taking shorter courses, students with a stronger need for independence, older students, and students who are travelling. For example, the University of Malta makes use of the Hotel Kappara for its official functions. Be sure you comply with all of the hotel’s regulations to keep any potential issues at bay.


  1. Student Residences

A student home is one of the more popular alternatives since it provides freedom while also integrating them into a community that is frequently filled with lively foreign students. Because these accommodations are situated in residential neighbourhoods, it is essential to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Obey the regulations, maintain the cleanliness of the property, and take care not to cause any damage; doing so will reduce the amount of your security deposit.
  • Try not to make any noise late at night or very early in the morning. This is especially crucial to keep in mind if you are going to or coming back to your room.
  • Remember to act respectfully toward people whose national customs may differ from your own.
  • Show consideration and courtesy to your neighbours, and avoid blocking any roads or driveways.

If you keep these suggestions in mind when you’re searching for a place to stay in Malta, you’ll be ahead of the game.

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