Home » How to Encourage Older Consumers To Leave Reviews? [7 Proven Ways]

How to Encourage Older Consumers To Leave Reviews? [7 Proven Ways]

by Hassan Bandesha

As you already know, getting more reviews on your business is one of the best ways to build trust and encourage more people to visit your business website. No matter whether you are running an eCommerce store, B2B or B2C business, SaaS company, or any local store, customer reviews play one of the most important roles in making your business popular. 

But how would you convenience your customers to share reviews? It is not as easy as it sounds to ask your customers to write a positive review and give a rating to your business. As social proof shows us that the more people who talk about something, the better the product or service looks in general. 

So, how will you ensure that you get positive reviews from your old customers? Herein we have listed 7 proven ways to help you encourage older customers to leave reviews. 

Without any further ado, let’s explore the listed ways:

1- Aks Your Older Customers Directly

One of the simplest ways to ask your older happy customers to share a review is –  directly. Yes, rather than asking them indirectly and making it complex, you can ask them directly to share a review. Many times, your customers will be happy to share and write their experiences with your business, product, or service. Here are some of the ways to ask your customers directly to share a review:

  • Emails: Emails are considered one of the best ways to get in touch with your older customers. Ask in the email you send without making it a big thing, but make sure that you have an easy way for them. They just have to click a click and write a review.
  • Social Media Platforms: To get instant replies from your old customers, you can ask them for reviews on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Linkedin. It will be easy for your customers to share their reviews on these platforms as they check their accounts on a daily basis. 
  • Call-to-Action on Invoices or Receipts: Another way you can do this is to include call-to-action on invoices and receipts, making it easier for them to share their reviews. 

2- Try to be as Personalized as Possible

When you decide to ask for reviews from your customers in a direct manner, you make sure that you try to be as personalized as possible. It is being said that you will get more reviews if you personalize the ask. Here’s an example, Casey Hill of Bonjoro recommends that you can send a personalized video to the customer, thanking them for supporting you and asking if they can leave a review. 

Also, you can call them personally and ask them about their experience with your business, product, or service. It will give you a chance to personally know your customers and their experiences. It will only take 2 minutes for your support team to connect with them and communicate.

3- Consistent Process

It doesn’t matter what type and size of business you are running, but if you want to get positive reviews from your old and new customers, all you have to follow is a consistent process. Companies with consistent processes get consistent reviews from their satisfied customers. 

You can have a process where you are interacting with your customers, listening to their experiences and suggestions, and encouraging them to leave a review for your business. Reviews are considered the key to having a better online reputation and better local rankings.

4- Offer a Review Template

Here’s one of the best ways to make it easier for your customers to share a review. You can provide a review template to them, covering some parts or all of the review for them. A template will help them understand the format you need for review and save them time. 

Moreover, you can cover the words that you are expecting and get approval from your customers for the same. 

5- Make Sure to Provide Incentives & Gift Vouchers

Another way to encourage your older customers to leave positive reviews and ratings is by providing incentives and gift vouchers. When asking for your reviews, make it very clear in your email subject line. 

Otherwise, it will not possible for you to get their expected result. If you have some incentives or gift vouchers for them, then also make it clear in the subject line of the email, as it will help you increase your chance of getting positive reviews. Here are some types of incentives and gift vouchers that will work:

  • Discounts and credits
  • Gift vouchers
  • Incentives

6- Automate It As Much As You Can

If you have a lot of customers, then it will not be easy for you to take reviews from all the customers. It will be difficult for you to keep up with requesting reviews. So, it is better to automate the process as much as you can. 

Automate managing reviews using tools like GatherUp and Active Campaign, as it will help you to manage tasks associated with review management.

7- Approach At The Right Time

Asking for reviews at the right time is very much important for you. So, you can figure out the right time by trying out multiple timelines. According to reports, the right time for asking for reviews and ratings is right after the customer makes a purchase. No matter what type of business you run, you can ask for a review once the service or subscription goes on.


So, these are some of the ways through which you can approach your older, happier, and satisfied customers to leave reviews on your website. You can try these ways and share which one works for your business. 

In any case, if you are looking for any assistance from a professional Houston SEO company, then we are just a click away. You can drop us your query through our contact us form, and we will get back to you shortly.

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