Home » 6 Tips for Students to Remove Plagiarism in Assignments

6 Tips for Students to Remove Plagiarism in Assignments

by Hassan Bandesha

Plagiarism is using another person’s thoughts or ideas in your work without any proper accreditation.

According to the University of Oxford:

“Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgment”.

Using plagiarized content in your assignments, essays, and other academic work is completely illegal and can cause multiple consequences.

Plagiarism detection from assignments can cause a student to be suspended from the college or university without any warning.

The legal consequences of plagiarism have been widely reported in the world of academia.

Once alleged plagiarism allegations, the academic career of the student can be ruined.

Apart from this, publishing is an integral part of the academic career. And by using plagiarized content in your assignment or research papers, you can lose the ability to publish at the end of your academic career.

Therefore, it is important for students and researchers to remove plagiarism from their work before submitting it.

Further, in this article, we are going to mention some useful tips that can help you to remove plagiarism without any hassle.

6 Best Tips to Remove Plagiarism in Assignments


1.  Keep the detailed track of Original Sources

Most of the time students commit plagiarism simply b forgetting where the original idea of the content came from. They unintentionally use that idea in their work and commit plagiarism.

Students can avoid this way of committing plagiarism simply by keeping and organizing the complete list of citations.

Being a student, it is your responsibility to clearly label which thoughts and ideas are yours and which are not included in your notes.

This way you can easily add the actual source of the borrowed text to your assignment without any hassle.

2.  Add Quotations to your Assignment

Adding quotations in your academic work means you are copying the exact phrase or sentence of someone else’s.

Whenever you add quotes to your assignment, don’t forget to express them in your own words and always enclosed them by using quotation marks.

Apart from this, always make sure that the quotation must be correctly attributed to the original author of the copied text.

Generally, quotation looks appropriate in the assignment when:

  • You are using exact words or definitions presented by the original author.
  • Students can’t paraphrase the actual text of the assignment without losing its meaning.
  • You want to retain the original writing style of the author.

3.  Use Paraphrasing Techniques

Paraphrasing means you are describing someone else’s ideas or thoughts in your own words to avoid plagiarism.

It doesn’t mean just changing a few words from the copied text. To paraphrase your content properly, students must write the author’s point in their own words.

This shows that the student has fully understood the main idea of the author and has the ability to express the idea in his or her own words.

This technique takes time but it helps students on a very large scale to remove plagiarism in their assignments in less time.

4.  Add References in your work

Whenever you quote or paraphrase a piece of text in your assignment, don’t forget to add a reference to it.

You can also include an in-text citation in the assignment that identifies the original author.

Each citation must correspond to a full reference in the reference list at the end of the assignment.

This acknowledges the actual source of the copied content and helps you to avoid plagiarism in the assignment.

Furthermore, it also helps your teachers to locate the source for themselves if they would like to check more.

Students can use different citation styles in the assignment. Some of them are APA, MLA, and Chicago.

Apart from this, your teacher may assign a particular citation style in the assignment to accredit all sources used in it.

5.  Use Plagiarism Removing Tools

Using the plagiarism-removing tools could be a great source of removing plagiarism in assignments without any hassle.

The plagiarism remover allows students to upload files from the local storage and removes any plagiarism from the text in seconds.

The interesting thing about these online tools is that they support multiple languages and remove the copied text from the given content by using AI technology.

These tools replace specific words with their best synonyms and don’t affect the actual meaning of the content.

Students can use these tools to remove plagiarism from their assignments and then can easily save the result content in the local storage of their smart devices.

6.  Using a Plagiarism Checking Tool

Being a student, it is important to make sure the assignment you are going to submit is completely unique and free of any plagiarized text.

To do this, you can use an online plagiarism-checking tools available on the internet.

The plagiarism checker uses the latest artificial intelligence technology to find the uniqueness of any text in less time.

It compares the input text with billions of online databases and detects the plagiarized text within a fraction of seconds.

The best thing about a plagiarism detector is that it provides an extremely easy-to-use interface and tells the accurate percentage of unique and plagiarized text.

Students can use a plagiarism checker before any assignment submission to check whether it contains any copied content or not.

Wrapping Up

As committing plagiarism is academic dishonesty, it can cause multiple repercussions to a student.

Therefore, it is very essential for students to remove plagiarism in assignments to prevent any consequences.

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