Home » Why React Native is the Future of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development
Why React Native is the Future of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

Why React Native is the Future of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

by Hassan Bandesha


The mobile app development environment has dramatically changed in the last ten years. At the beginning, it was mainly native development for iOS and Android platforms that dominated this sector. Later, various cross-platform frameworks designed to cut down the time and cost of development emerged. 


Of all these, the React Native app development company has become the top choice and is supported by small startups and big enterprises. This article is about why React Native will be the future of cross-platform mobile app development, and it covers its technological advantages, community support and economic benefits. Over 13% of professional developers use React Native, and 11% are contemplating studying it, according to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022.

The cross-platform development evolution

Before React Native, developers were using native development tools—Swift/Objective-C—C for iOS and Java/Kotlin for Android- a lot. Although these two solutions were the best for performance and platform-specific features, they needed separate codebases, which, in turn, led to higher costs and longer development times. Cross-platform frameworks like Xamarin, Cordova, and Ionic tried to overcome this problem, but most of the time, they could not deliver the performance and native-like user experience.


React Native, which was presented by Facebook in 2015 is the one that has changed this space completely because it offers a framework for building truly native apps using JavaScript and React to the developers. Unlike its forerunners, React Native uses native components to render instead of web views, thereby reaching the middle ground between performance and cross-platform compatibility.

Technological advantages in react native

  • Native performance

React Native is mainly known for its unique feature of rendering components using the native APIs. This guarantees that the apps developed with React Native work almost as well as native apps. Through unifying JavaScript and native languages, React Native can directly call into the native functions, which is a very efficient way to do it instead of using cross-platform solutions.

  • Reusable code and hot reloading

Hire React Native developers to write code that can be shared between iOS and Android platforms, thus reducing development time and effort. Besides, the hot reloading feature of React Native makes developers more productive as they can get instant feedback on their code changes without restarting the whole application. This leads to a more effective development process and quicker revisions.

  • Rich ecosystems and libraries

The React Native community is enormous and keeps on expanding, and there are plenty of libraries and third-party plugins that can be used to make the software more powerful. This vattle terrain simplifies the combination of complex features such as navigation, animations and network requests, thus enabling developers to concentrate on creating special characteristics rather than reinventing the wheel.

  • Firm community and corporate Support

React Native has strong community support, and many people, individual developers and big corporations, actively contribute. The fact that Facebook is always pouring money into the development of React Native guarantees its further growth and improvement. Big companies such as Airbnb, Instagram, and Tesla have already started to use React Native, which proves that it is a good technology and that the community will be more active in its development.

Economic benefits of React Native

  • Cost efficiency

The single codebase for multiple platforms provides a great service to React Native as it takes out most of the development and maintenance costs. Companies no longer have to spend on different teams for iOS and Android, saving a lot of money. This is especially useful for startups and small businesses with tight budgets.

  • Faster Time-to-Market

The reusable codebase and hot reloading feature of React Native speed up the development process, thus allowing businesses to launch their products faster. In the tech industry full of competition, a reduced time-to-market can be a primary factor in getting ahead of your competitors and taking over the market fast.

  • Ease of talent acquisition

JavaScript is the language that has been used by most companies around the world, which makes it simple for them to find developers skilled in React Native. This is the opposite of what happens in Swift or Kotlin, where there is usually a higher demand and lower supply of developers, which can lead to increased hiring costs and time.

Case Studies: successful apps built with react native

React Native has been widely accepted by both the industry’s big players and startups that are just starting to create very successful applications. The main driver and the first adopter of this solution was Facebook, which applied it to its Ads Manager app on both iOS and Android platforms, thus showing early confidence in this system.

  • Massive companies using React Native

The fact that significant businesses in the industry have adopted React Native shows how strong and flexible it is. If we take Facebook as an example, they used React Native to make their main app twice as fast as before.


Along with many other organizations, Instagram began using React Native in 2016 for its mobile applications as well. They accomplished this by focusing on their Android platform, which greatly enhanced the user experience for everyone.

  • Businesses expanding through the use of React Native

Startups are using React Native to manage fast expansion and development. With the help of React Native, the worldwide food delivery network of Delivery Hero—active in over 50 countries—is handled efficiently.


Discord has integrated React Native into its application, which is relied upon by more than 350 million registered users for conversation and media sharing. Because of this, the platform can serve its large user population effectively.

The future of React Native: trends and predictions

When it comes to integrating state-of-the-art technologies like AI, AR, and VR, React Native has a lot of room to grow in the years to come. These developments align with the rising need for data-driven, customized, and immersive apps.

  • Collaboration with New Technology

As time goes on, emerging technologies will have a significant impact on React Native’s trajectory. With React Native’s deepening integration of machine learning, developers can enhance user experiences with features like personalized content and predictive analytics.

  • Function of React Native in PWA and On-Demand markets

React Native’s features will significantly impact the future of progressive web apps and mobile app trends. Improved security is a must for on-demand applications that handle user data, and it is anticipated that future versions of React Native will address this issue. This further establishes its potential influence in the field of developing mobile apps.



React Native has become a strong and flexible framework for creating mobile applications on different platforms. Its capacity to give almost the same performance as a native application and at the same time be very efficient with only one codebase, plus strong community support, makes it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. 


Although there are still some issues, the continuous improvements and the framework’s flexibility make React Native a significant player in the future of mobile app development company


With the development of technology, React Native will be more and more important in cross-platform development because it will provide even greater chances for innovation and effectiveness. You can contact ManekTech, the best mobile app development company, for all of your needs. 


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