The condition of dental fluorosis causes the enamel to become yellowed. It can occur in children who consume fluoride frequently during their teeth-forming years (ages 8 and younger).
Most cases of fluorosis in the mouth are mild-to-moderate. They are characterized by small white spots on the surface of the teeth that are not easily visible and have little or no effect on dental function.
There are two types of dental fluorosis: moderate and severe. They are both significantly more common. In severe cases, pits may develop in the teeth. This severe form is very rare in areas where fluoride concentrations are below 2 mg/liter.
You have come to the right place if your interest is in Dental fluorosis. This article will cover everything. Continue reading to the end.
Dental Fluorosis Symptoms – Signs Of This Dental Disorder
Contact your dentist in Adelaide if your child develops white streaks and patches on his or her teeth. This could indicate dental fluorosis symptoms.
Most cases are not severe and don’t cause any permanent damage to your teeth. Extreme cases of fluorosis are rare.
Fluorosis when it’s minor is a non-destructive aesthetic condition. It can alter the appearance and color of tooth enamel.
According to dentists, however, you can still classify the different forms of fluorosis below:
Doubtful There can be slight variations in the enamel.
Very mild. Less than 25% of the tooth surfaces are covered with small opaque white paper patches.
Light: White opaque parts of the surface that are less widespread but cover approximately half of its surface.
Moderate. About half of the enamel surface is covered in opaque white areas.
Severe. All enamel surfaces are broken. Also, pitting can be seen on teeth. Teeth can be distinct or run together.
Fluorosis Treatment
Most fluorosis cases don’t require treatment and are considered minor. It could also impact the rear teeth, which don’t show up.
A variety of techniques can greatly improve the appearance of teeth with moderate-to-severe fluorosis. Here are some methods to treat dental fluorosis.
Veneers can be custom-made shells to cover the front of the tooth to enhance its appearance. This technique is commonly used in cases where severe fluorosis has occurred.
Dental crowns are another treatment option for fluorosis.
Teeth whitening as well as other treatments for removing surface staining are all available. It is possible to make your fluorosis worse by bleaching your teeth.
Bonding is the process of coating your teeth with a strong resin. This bonds to your enamel.
These are just some of the treatments that can be used for dental fluorosis. If you think this disease may be severe, don’t waste any time. Consult your dentist right away.
Fluorosis Causes – Things What Make Fluorosis Hard
We’ll discuss the causes of fluorosis in this article. Dental fluorosis can be caused by many things, which you can easily avoid.
Dental fluorosis is often caused by incorrect use of dental products.
Children enjoy the taste of toothpaste and brush their teeth. Sometimes they even eat it. This is likely to not be a problem.
Fluoride levels are high in water and fruit juices, making it hard to differentiate between the preservation and disregarding of general health. This is especially relevant if supplements are being considered.
Fluorosis can occur from a variety of factors, including dental treatments. Fluorosis can occur even though the risk is unwittingly increased if children are given fluoride supplements that are not necessary for their medical condition.