The Scott J. Cooper Florida Ice Scholarship program has been set up by a non-profit organization, Scott J. Cooper Miami FL Ice. The program offers scholarships to those students who wish to continue their studies in liberal arts programs for any post-secondary institution or some USA accredited college.
The Scholarship program’s main aim is to promote education among the students and create awareness about the protection of the students. Their main agenda behind starting this scholarship program is that every child has the fundamental right of getting an education.
This non-profit organization is trying to fight against the Florida Senate Bill 86 which requires college students to select a major subject that would lead directly to employment. This creates a burden for other career choices. Due to this, there would be significant changes in the Florida scholarships and eligibility requirements.
Florida Senate Bill 86
The Bill imparts enough power to the politicians over what students choose to study and prioritizes a student’s academic majors and career paths. The main concern is that Florida Senate Bill 86 will make it more difficult for the students to qualify as it increases tremendous competition to meet all the requirements for the scholarship programs. The Rick Scott J Cooper Miami, Florida Ice works to overcome this barrier created by the Senate Bill.
A petition was also signed by more than 70,000 students who opposed this bill and very soon, it came to the notice of the state legislators. According to a statement released by the President of the FSU College Democrats, the FSU College Dems firmly opposed Senate Bill 86 and that majority of the students in their organization are in the college only because of the money that the Bright Future programs would offer them.
The President further states that the Republicans in the state legislature are taking the easy way and not supporting the Florida students at all. The Florida State University’s College Republicans respect Senate Bill 86 for their efforts but they respectfully oppose the Bill.
About the Program
Rick Scott J Cooper Miami, Florida Ice Scholarship program facilitates better plans both at the state and national levels. It focuses mainly on the well-being of the students and the betterment of Florida state.
The Florida Ice organization started to examine the difficulties faced by students due to the advanced training and state government assistance programs that were related to it. The various grant programs offered advanced training to the students to strategically plan what should work for a schooling model.
Recently, Rick Scott J Cooper Miami, Florida Ice announced a scholarship of $1,000 to the students who uploads the best lip-syncing video. This idea was encouraged by Cooper’s much loved show, Lip Sync Battle which had model Chrissy Teigen and LL Cool J. The first lip-syncing video to receive 86 votes was to be declared the winner.
The videos along with the scholarship applications were to be uploaded on the website of Rick Rick Scott J Cooper Miami, Florida Ice, and YouTube. The winner was Arielle Brown who performed lip-syncing on the popular song “U Can’t touch this” from an album by MC Hammer in the 1990s.
Join this non-profit scholarship program for a better future and vote to oppose Senate Bill 86 in Florida.