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Who Can Write Me a Speech? Ask Experienced Writer to Help You

by Hassan Bandesha

Have to write a speech to present it in the classroom and don’t know how to start? You may have some experience in academic writing but, in fact, writing a speech is very different from writing an essay, article, case study, brief or proposal. No wonder. Writing and speaking are distinctive versions of the same language that are unique in their output, function, and syntax.

We may use a web-based tool to rewording parts of an existing speech for us, or ask professional writers from a reputable website to share their secrets of writing powerful speeches. They have extensive experience in creating quality academic content and are always ready to help students who face problems with college papers. They will gladly help you if you visit the website and make a request: “Write me a speech, please!” Here are their easy speech writing tips.

Choose Your Main Ideas

When writing your speech you should remember that you only have several minutes to deliver it. So don’t include many different ideas in it. Your listeners won’t remember much (according to numerous researches). That’s why you can give your audience 1 or 2 ideas to think about.

Write As You Speak

When working on your speech, you need to remember that you are writing a speech and not a serious academic paper. Make it conversational because people will hear your speech and won’t read it. Here is what you can do.

  • Use short sentences and avoid complicated ones. It’s always preferable to write two simple sentences instead of one long complex sentence.
  • Don’t use long tricky words that you would never use when talking to somebody.
  • Use contractions. It’s better to say “I’m” instead of “I am”.
  • It’s not obligatory to follow the rules of English grammar when writing some types of speeches. People don’t always care about grammar while speaking, they don’t always use complete sentences with the correct verb and noun forms. So try to write as you talk.
  • You’d better read your speeches aloud as you write them. In this way, you’ll hear how your speech sounds – like a real person talking or like a book.


Get All Your Facts Together

You should present yourself as an expert on your topic to make your audience believe you know a lot about things you are talking about. That’s why you should do some research to find some interesting facts or statistics to support your ideas and engage your audience. You can look for relevant books in the library or search the internet to find good sources. For example, if your topic is the environment and you talk about the air pollution, you can find some data about how much-polluted air one car creates every year.

Use Classic Structure to Persuade Your Audience

Use “Problem – Solution” structure when you are writing a speech a goal of which is to persuade someone to do something. In the first part of your speech, you have to speak about the existing problem, explaining why the things are so bad. In the second part of your speech, you have to suggest a solution and persuade people to act in some way. A good idea is to back your point of view with some relevant real-life facts or statistics. You can also support your position by quoting someone that your listeners like and respect.

Make It Simple

After you finish the first draft, you need to reread it, paying attention to the words that you actually can cut. Make your points clear and cut the words in the speech. Remember the motto: “Fewer words means clearer point.”

How Can I Check Paper for Plagiarism?

This question is common for students who completed an academic paper or bought if from a professional writer and would like to submit it. If you have written a speech or other college paper, you can check paper for plagiarism online with a tool that can compare billions of documents to find duplicated text in any college assignment or a website. By doing this, you can ensure that your college project is absolutely unique and all the key ideas are original. All you have to do is just to visit the website, copy and paste the text you want to check, and get the accurate result at once.

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