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What Are The Advantages Of Fat Transfer?

What Are The Advantages Of Fat Transfer?

by Hassan Bandesha

Fat transfers are a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses your own fat to rejuvenate and augment areas of your body that could benefit from skin rejuvenation and augmentation. Fat transfers, also known as fat grafting, can be used to increase the size of your breasts and buttocks as well as reduce signs of aging on your hands and face such as fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

Here’s a closer look at the advantages of fat transfers, as well as where you can get this highly effective cosmetic treatment.

Reduce The Visibility Of Cellulite

Cellulite is extremely common and, despite long-term efforts to lose it through diet and exercise, can be extremely difficult to eliminate. In some cases, losing excess weight can aggravate cellulite, particularly if the weight loss results in loose, sagging skin. Fat transfers can be used to plump cellulite and smooth out bumpy, dimpled skin.

Increase The Size And Appearance Of Your Breasts

Breast augmentation is most commonly performed surgically with saline or silicone implants. Surgical breast augmentation is associated with extensive downtime and recovery, as well as the possibility of scarring. Women who want larger, fuller breasts can have their own fat injected directly into the breasts through a fat transfer procedure. 

Increase The Buttocks’ Roundness And Fullness.

If you want a rounder, fuller buttocks, ask your doctor to extract fat from your thighs or abdomen and inject it into your buttocks for a shapelier silhouette. A buttocks fat transfer, also known as a Brazilian butt lift, is ideal for men and women who want to improve the appearance of sagging, flat, and unappealing buttocks. 

Reduce Aging Signs On The Face And Chin

A facial fat transfer can help reduce the appearance of aging on the face by reducing wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. A fat transfer procedure can also be used to reduce and revise scars caused by acne, burns, injuries, and surgery. Men with small chins can benefit from chin augmentation with fat transfer to achieve more pronounced, masculine-looking chins and jaw lines.

Hand Rejuvenation

Because your hands are constantly exposed to elements such as sunlight, water, extreme temperatures, and irritants in soaps and cleaning supplies, the appearance of your hands can often reveal you’re true age. Those who want to rejuvenate their hands can use fat transfer as a hand rejuvenation procedure. Reducing signs of aging on the hands can give the impression that you are much younger than your true age.

Recover Faster And With Less Downtime

Fat transfers provide patients with a quicker recovery and less downtime than surgical cosmetic procedures such as liposuction and facelift surgery. Because the fat injected is taken from your own body, fat transfers are associated with fewer allergic reactions than injectable dermal fillers.

Get Long-Lasting, Natural-Looking Results

Fat transfers produce natural-looking results that can last for several years if you practice healthy habits like exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and avoiding excessive sun exposure. Dermal filler results typically last only a few months and require repeat treatments to maintain a youthful appearance. Some dermal fillers contain chemical ingredients, which contribute to a less natural appearance.

Phoenix, Arizona Fat Transfers

Tampa liposuction (https://www.tampaliposuction.com) provides fat transfers to help you reduce signs of aging and achieve your individual aesthetic goals. If you want to reduce the signs of aging or add volume to your body contours, contact us to schedule a free consultation and find out if you’re a good candidate for our fat transfer procedures.

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