Home » 5 Best Belgian Radio Stations To Listen To On Board Airplane

5 Best Belgian Radio Stations To Listen To On Board Airplane

by Hassan Bandesha

Planning a trip soon? If you are taking a cross-country flight, it’s easy to lose hours of your day with deep thoughts on how you can make the best use of your time when you’re in the air. Luckily, this is where online radio comes into play.

What is a Belgian Radio Station?

Belgian radio stations are a unique type of radio station that is popular in Belgium. They are known for their lively and entertaining programming.

Belgian radio stations are a great way to relax and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. They offer listeners a variety of genres, including music, talk shows, and sports broadcasts.

Some of the best Belgian radio stations to listen to on an airplane are BXR-FM, Radio 1, RTBF-FM, and VRT-FM. These stations offer a wide variety of programming that will keep you entertained while you fly.

Top 5 Belgian Radio Stations

Belgium has a variety of radio stations, so there is sure to be a station that you will enjoy. Here are the five Belgian radio stations that we think are the best to listen to on board an airplane:

1. Radio 1 Belgium
Radio 1 Belgium is the biggest and most popular Belgian radio station. It is available in both Dutch and French, and it offers a variety of music genres, including pop, rock, jazz, R&B, and classical music.

2. RTBF International
RTBF International is another popular Belgian radio station. It offers a variety of news, sports, and talk programs, as well as music.

3. VRT Radio 1
VRT Radio 1 is a government-owned radio station that offers news and cultural programs in both Dutch and French.

4. 91FM
91FM is a commercial radio station that focuses on alternative music genres, such as rock, alternative hip-hop, and indie music.

VOO-FM is a Christian radio station that offers religious programming as well as music.

Pros and Cons of Listening to Belgian Radio

There are pros and cons to listening to Belgian radio while on an airplane. On the plus side, Belgian radio stations tend to be well-produced and have a lot of cultural content. This can be enjoyable for listeners who are interested in culture or who want to learn more about Belgium.

Belgian radio can also be valuable when traveling in other parts of Europe. Many European countries have their own unique dialects, which can be hard to understand if you don’t know them. Listening to Belgian radio can help you learn these dialects quickly and easily.

However, there are also some drawbacks to Belgian radio. For one, it can be difficult to understand what people are saying if the station is playing in a noisy environment. Additionally, many Belgian radio stations are aimed at a specific demographic group, which means that they may not appeal to everyone.

How To Listen?

Belgium has several great radio stations that you can listen to onboard an airplane.

To find Belgian radio stations, you can use a variety of apps or websites. Some popular apps include TuneIn and Radioplayer. You can also find Belgian radio stations on many websites, including Radio Netherlands Worldwide, BBC World Service, and RTE Ireland.

Whenever you are flying, it is important to be aware of the rules regarding wireless listening devices. In general, you are not allowed to listen to wireless audio devices while the plane is in motion. This includes music streaming services like Spotify, as well as talk radio stations like Rush Limbaugh. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, you are allowed to listen to emergency broadcasts while the plane is in flight.

Non Believers: Why Do People Love Listening to Belgian Radio?

Belgian radio stations have a reputation for being some of the best in the world. This is likely because Belgian radio stations are known for their passionate and eclectic music styles.

There are several Belgian radio stations that listeners can enjoy while onboard an airplane. One of the best Belgian radio stations to listen to on board an airplane is Radio 1. Radio 1 is a classical music station that features a wide range of music styles, from opera to jazz.

Radio 1 also has a great selection of talk shows, which makes it a great option for listeners who want to hear about current events but don’t want to miss any of the music. Other great Belgian radio stations include Viva Belgium and RTBF-FM. Viva Belgium is a popular pop music station that features many popular English-language songs. RTBF-FM is a French-language station that features a wide variety of music, from oldies to rock music.

By choosing one of these Belgian radio stations, passengers can enjoy quality music while flying anywhere in the world.


There’s nothing like a good Belgium radio station to while away the time on an airplane ride, and our list of the best Belgian radio stations will have you hooked for hours. Whether you’re looking for some light listening or something with more depth, these stations will have you entertained and in stitches. So what are you waiting for? Start streaming your favorite Belgium radio show today!


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